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1. Talk about gatherings or celebrations in your country. What do people do when they get together to celebrate things?
Tet holiday is the time for family gatherings to celebrate the new year.
Family members get together and celebrate the biggest holiday of the year.
They ask how each other is doing and do some catching up.
They cook traditional food and enjoy meals together.
Plus, they give all the family members the best wishes.
Also, they go to the pagoda to pray for health and good luck.
So, these are things people do during family gatherings.

2. What did you do at your last gathering or celebration? What was the occasion? Give me all the details.
I remember going to my uncle's place with my parents last week.
It was a national holiday.
I helped my mother cook the meal and do the dishes.
After having dinner, we had a campfire in the backyard of my uncle's house.
My uncle played the guitar and we all sang along to the songs.
We played some board games and we had so much fun.
Then, we watched the fireworks together.It was very beautiful.
Looking back, it was a special gathering.

3. Talk about a memorable incident that happened at a gathering or a celebration. Why was it so memorable or unforgettable?
I remember going to my friend's house to celebrate her birthday a few weeks ago.
We had dinner together and had some drinks.
However, I drank quite a lot that day because the drink tasted so good.
I got very drunk because I drank too much.
I could not walk straight and I felt dizzy.
So, my friend had to drive me home.
I had a terrible headache the next day.
Since then, I try to be more careful when I'm drinking.

4. Where do people usually have celebrations or parties in your area? Is it at someone's home, a park, or some place else? Tell me everything about that place in as much detail as you can.
People in Vietnam usually have parties or celebrations at home. It is convenient and private.
They decorate their houses and cook at home.
They usually prepare food and drinks in the kitchen.
They often have meals in the garden.
After the meal, they watch movies together in the living room.
Sometimes, they play sports in the backyard.
They feel comfortable and cozy when having a party at home.
So, people in Vietnam usually have parties at home.


1. What kinds of appointments do you make in your life? Where do you go to make your appointments?
There are various types of appointments in my life.
First, I make doctor appointments when I am sick or when I need to get some tests done.
Second, I make dentist appointments every two weeks to get my teeth checked.
Also, I make appointments with my hair stylist.
This saves me a lot of time waiting at hair salons.
I do that when I want to style or dye my hair.
Thanks to the Internet, I could make all these appointments on my phone nowadays.
So, these are the appointments I often make in my life.

2. What kinds of things do you do when you make appointments? Tell me what you exactly do when you make these appointments.
There are many things I often do when making appointments.
When I have to make appointments, I first look for a phone number.
Sometimes, it is available on my phone.
If not, I have to do an online search.
Then, I make a phone call to make an appointment with people I need.
I ask them about their availability and tell them when I can come.
After that, I usually get a text confirming my appointment.
So, this is what I do to make an appointment.

3. Talk about an appointment you made as a child. What was the appointment for? Was it for a doctor, a dentist or a new school? What did you do and what happened when you got to your appointment?
I remember making a hair appointment when I was a kid.
I wanted to have a new hair style, so I went to the hair salon to have my hair cut.
First, my hair stylist shampooed my hair.
Then, she cut my hair.
After that, she did the hair washing again.
Next, she dried and styled my hair.
In the end, I had a new look which I was so happy with.
So, this was a memorable appointment I made.

4. Unexpected things can happen when you make an appointment. Talk about a memorable incident regarding an appointment. What exactly happened and how did you deal with the situation?
I remember making a hair appointment recently.
However, when I went to the hair salon, something unexpected came up suddenly.
The hair stylist I booked was sick so she could not make it to my appointment.
I was about to book another hairdresser, but no one was available.
I was so sad at that time because I had to wait for some more time for a new hair style.
In the end, I made a new appointment and went another time.