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I love watching all genres.
My favorite type of movie are action movies and Vietnamese movies.

I like watching movies because it is an excellent way to unwind and it helps me enjoy the quality time with my family.
I also like watching movies because it is enjoyable, sometimes it can be educational.

I am quite a busy person, but I manage to see about one or two movies a week at home.
I prefer to watch movies at home because I can choose any movies I want to watch, and the whole family can watch them.

When I have free time, if there is an interesting movie playing at the cinema, I’ll go to see it.
At the cinema, I get to see the movie on a big screen with a better sound system, quality pictures.

I remember watching a movie with my family recently.
It was a reward for my daughter who had been studying hard.
The movie we watched was a cartoon, called "Puss in Boots".
Before watching the movie, we went to the cinema, we bought tickets for 4 people, bought bottled water, snacks and some popcorn.
After watching the movie, we went to my friend's house for dinner, we ate, drank wine, and talked about funny stories. It was a memorable day for me.

In my free time, I often go to the cinema called Vincom to watch some movies and relax.
The cinema is quite near my house, so it takes me only a few minutes to get there.
It is a big building with bright color on the outside and warm color on the inside.
The chairs at the cinema are soft and comfortable.
The popcorn and coke are delicious.
I also love the other services of the cinema such as booking tickets online.
So, that's all about my favorite cinema.