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1. Tell me about some popular holidays in your country. Where do people typically celebrate these holidays? What kinds of things do they do to celebrate?
Tet and Mid-Autumn are the most popular holidays in Vietnam.
Family members get together at their houses to celebrate the biggest holidays of the year.
People often wear their best clothes on these special occasions.
They enjoy visiting their friends and relatives to catch up.
They give each other all the best wishes.
Sometimes, they cook traditional food and enjoy meals together.
On Tet holiday, children are often given lucky money as a wish of good luck.
Meanwhile, they get gifts and toys at Mid-Autumn festival.
So, these are the things people do during some popular holidays.

2. Talk about a holiday memory from your childhood. Tell me where you were and what that place looked like. Tell me everything that you remember from that holiday scene.
I remember going to my uncle's place with my parents when I was a kid. It was a national holiday.
After having some dinner, we had a campfire in the backyard of my uncle's house.
My uncle played the guitar and we all sang along to the songs.
We played some board games and we had so much fun.
Then, we watched the fireworks together.
It was very beautiful because it was the first time I saw fireworks.
Looking back, it was a special holiday at my uncle's place.

3. Talk about the most recent holiday you celebrated. Why was that holiday memorable? Was there anything special about that day? Talk about why that holiday was particularly unforgettable.
I remember going to my friend's house on the national holiday a few weeks ago.
We had dinner together and had some drinks.
However, I drank quite a lot that day because the drink tasted so good.
I got very drunk because I drank too much.
I could not walk straight and I felt dizzy.
So, my friend had to drive me home.
I had a headache the next day.
I had to take a day off work because I was very tired.
Since then, I try to be more careful when drinking.

4. What are some holidays in your country? What do people do during these holidays? What is special about them?
Lunar New Year and Mid-Autumn are popular holidays in Vietnam.
People often get together at their houses to celebrate the biggest holiday of the year.
People in my country also decorate their houses to prepare for these kinds of holidays.
Sometimes, they cook traditional food and enjoy meals together.
Plus, they give all their family members the best wishes.
Also, they go to the pagoda to pray for health and good luck.
There are fireworks displays and special events on these occasions.
So, these are the things people do during holidays in my country.
I think the most special thing about these occasions is that people have the chance to reunite with their family.


1. You indicated that you take vacations at home. Who are the people you meet and spend time with on your vacation?
I am usually busy at work.
So when I am on my vacation, I want to spend time with my family.
During my vacation at home, we do many things together.
First, we often go camping in the park near my house.
Sometimes, we stay home and watch some comedies.
I feel very relaxed and comfortable when I am at home with my family.
We also go to a restaurant in our neighborhood.
We talk about things in our lives while enjoying the food.
So, this is how I spent my vacation at home with my family.

2. Describe exactly what you did during your last vacation at home. Tell me what you did from the first to the last day. Talk about all the people you saw and what you did with them.
I remember going to a football match with my friends when I was on vacation.
We went to see our favorite team playing in the final round.
There were a lot of people at the stadium and everybody was excited to watch the game.
We bought tickets and beer, then we sat down to enjoy the game.
We were very thrilled that our team won, so we had a great time celebrating our victory.
Then, we went home and had a meal together.
So, this is what I did during my vacation at home.

3. Could you tell me about an unusual or unexpected experience you had during a vacation you had at home? What happened? Who was involved? Why was this experience so memorable?
I remember being injured during my vacation at home.
It was a Sunday afternoon and the weather was great.
So, we decided to go out and play football in the garden.
We had a great time together.
However, when I was running so fast to catch the ball, I tripped over a stone and hurt my knees.
My mother performed first aid on me and gave me some pain killers.
I had to stay inside and get a lot of rest.
Since then, I try to be more careful when I'm playing football.