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1. Ideas on what good health is and how to maintain health change frequently. What did people do to maintain good health when you were a child? What was considered to be a healthy diet at that time? How did people usually exercise? Describe how people's thoughts on what is healthy have changed over time.
People's thoughts on what is healthy have changed over time.
My grandparents think that being plump is being healthy.
So in their opinion, eating a lot is a good way to have good health.
However, nowadays, people have to be fit in order to be healthy.
So, getting into shape is the top choice for them.
They often go on a diet and do exercise to stay healthy.
All in all, people in the past and nowadays have different views on being healthy.

2. Describe a healthy person you know of. What makes that person healthy? Tell me everything that makes that person healthier.
Let me tell you about my wife, who is a healthy person.
Every day, she gets up early to do exercise.
She often runs in the park, which is a good way to keep fit.
Sometimes, she spends 2 hours working out in the gym.
Besides, she has a healthy diet. She eats fruits and vegetables every day.
She avoids eating too much fast food and unhealthy snacks.
Plus, she drinks enough water and goes to bed on time.
She really knows how to take care of herself.
I think that's the reason why she is healthy.

3. Have you ever changed a habit or a certain lifestyle for your health? Maybe you started to work out or started to eat healthy. Tell me about that change you made.
In the past, I was overweight.
So, I decided to change my lifestyle and become healthier.
I often got up early to work out in the gym.
Sometimes, I spent one hour a day to run in the park, which was a good way to keep fit.
Plus, I tried to have a healthy diet. I ate more vegetables and fruits every day.
I avoided eating too much fast food and unhealthy snacks.
Plus, I drank enough water and tried to go to bed on time.
After three months, I was successful in losing weight and becoming healthier.
So, I still try to maintain that lifestyle even now.

4. Talk about one thing that you did for your health in detail. What kind of impact did it have on your health? Tell me about the effect that had on your health.
There are many things I have done for my health.
First, I tried to get some exercise at the gym.
Sometimes, I spent one hour a day running in the park, which was a good way to keep fit.
Plus, I tried to eat well and properly. I tried to have balanced meals.
I also avoided eating too much fast food and unhealthy snacks too.
Plus, I drank enough water and tried to go to bed on time.
Plus, I tried to stay positive.
This helped me look on the bright side of everything and reduce stress.
So, these are the things I have tried to stay healthy.


1. What are some of the popular dishes in your country? Tell me about a particular dish. What is special about it? Please describe it in detail.
Vietnam is well known for its traditional food, from fried spring rolls, grilled pork meatballs with noodles to bread.
Among them, I think Pho is the most popular dish in Vietnam.
I think Pho is special because of some reasons.
First, it's tasty and healthy. It is the perfect combination of noodles, beef, and other healthy ingredients.
We often eat this dish with lime and vegetables. It provides us with healthy protein and fiber.
Plus, the flavor of Pho is amazing.
Second, it is affordable to most Vietnamese people.
We can order a big bowl of Pho for less than 3 dollars.
So, Pho is a very popular dish in our country.

2. What do you eat on a regular day? Tell me everything that you eat in detail.
My meals are pretty the same everyday.
First, I eat bread and eggs for breakfast.
I have rice with chicken for lunch. I also have some vegetables.
I eat fruits or order some juice in the afternoon. Sometimes, I eat nuts for my snacks.
.For dinner, I have beef with some rice. I drink milk before going to bed.
But on weekends, I eat out with my family. We like to eat hot pot.
So, these are the things that I normally eat.

3. Tell me about a memorable experience you had while eating something. It could have been something good or bad. What happened? Why was it so memorable or special? Tell me everything in as much detail as possible.
I remember once having a terrible experience at a restaurant.
At first, I went to a restaurant with my friends.
We chose a small restaurant near our university.
The restaurant looked sketchy, but anyway we still decided to go in.
I think I ate something that went bad.
My stomach was upset.I had to go to the bathroom over and over again.
I went to the drug store and got some medicine.
I took some of the medicine to get better.
Since then, I have tried to be more careful when eating something.

4. When was the last time you had some healthy food? Who was it with and how did you feel? What was special about that experience?
I remember having a healthy meal at a restaurant with my friends last month.
We ordered Greek salad which was a bit expensive but very delicious.
It was a healthy food, with lots of protein that is good for one's health.
The food was fresh with a combination of various kinds of vegetables like sliced cucumbers, tomatoes, green bell peppers, red onions and olives, ...
Moreover, the service of the restaurant was amazing.
Then, we sat together and enjoyed the food.
It was a great time to me.
Since then, that dish has become my favorite.