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1. Tell me about how people get around in your country. Do they drive their own cars or take trains? What are some typical means of transportation to get around?
People in my country get around in many ways.
They drive their motorbikes to get to work or to travel around because it is easy to drive and flexible to move during peak hours.
Moreover, some people prefer driving their cars to get around because it is safer and faster.
However, parking is very limited in the city center so many people choose to take a bus to commute.
Although the bus service is not modern, it is very cheap so people can save their money when they are using the bus service.
So many people in my country use various means of transportation.

2. What means of transportation do you use to get around? Do you drive your own car or take public transportation?
To be honest, I drive my motorcycle most often.
It is very convenient because I can go wherever I want to.
Plus, it saves my time because it is flexible to move during peak hours.
However, I usually use bus service when the weather is bad.
Although the bus service is not modern, it is very cheap so people can save their money when they use bus service.
So, I use the bus service or drive my own motorbike to get around.

3. How did you travel when you were a child? Were the types of transportation different back then? Describe for me how people used to get around in your city or town.
When I was a kid, there were not many cars.
I used to ride my bikes to get around.
People also used the bus services or trains.
The fare was cheap but they were very slow.
Nowadays, there are different means of transport for people to get around.
They drive their motorbikes to get to work or to travel around because it is easy to drive and flexible to move during peak hours.
Moreover, some people prefer driving their cars to commute because it is safer and faster.
So, transportation has become better over the years.

4. Problems related to transportation often arise. Cars break down, trains run late or traffic could get bad. Tell me about a transportation problem that you once had. What did you do to deal with the situation?
I remember when my motorbike broke down recently.
I was driving to work, when suddenly the motorbike stopped.
I was worried because I was late for work.
I had an important meeting to attend to.
I tried to keep calm and took it to the garage to repair it.
It took a lot of time. I lost my patience.
Also, it cost a lot of money because they needed to replace the whole engine.
Moreover, my boss was unhappy because I was late.
So, that was a problem I had with my motorbike.